
The Almanaque Antídoto: Ciências e Arte (Almanac Antidote: Science and Art) is a publishing artist with fictional content. The first edition of the Almanaque Antídoto theme was the plant Pseudo Arnica. Came from research texts and scientific images, popular beliefs and observation drawings of the plant to create the fabulous almanac. The second edition of the almanac theme was the werewolf and his appearances on the island. Reports and photos on the subject were appropriated and modified, forming a collage from pictures and text found on the Internet, in books and reports of people on the island. This edition comes with an insert, postcard the appearance of the wolf on the Morro da Cruz, the highest place on the island.

Almanaque Antídoto: Ciências e Arte, O Lobisomem, 2012
(Almanac Antidote: Science and Art, The Werewolf)

Almanaque Antídoto: Ciências e Arte, Pseudo Arnica, 2010
(Almanac Antidote: Science and Art, Arnica Pseudo)
